Patients that are getting prepared for a plastic surgery tend to ask the following questions: when and how the operation will be performed and for how long should the usual lifestyle be changed after that. For the majority of patients such questions become extremely important during the excitement before the operation.
That is why a surgeon should give two answers that refer to the recovery period and how much can be done during one operation under anesthesia without any harm to health.
It is of great importance to choose the most appropriate season. The best time for the majority of operation is the fall-winter period. At this time, the organism can work at its full capacity, because it is still strong after the summer, and at the same time there is no sun and little physical activity, which is very unhealthy for young post-operative scarring. The only exception is rhinoplasty. After this operation the recovery is recommended in dry and warm weather, so the most appropriate season for this operation is spring or early summer. Liposuction also requires special lifestyle during the postoperative period. This operation leaves only small scars that are hidden in the natural folds of clothing and doesn’t influence any daily activity. However, it requires wearing special compression underwear for 2-4 weeks that also affects the selection of the season for performing this operation, because it is extremely difficult to wear dense synthetic pants and belts in summer. The least impact on the upcoming vacation has breast augmentation, what is quite surprising. The postoperative period during which a patient should be examined by a surgeon lasts just for 2 weeks. After that patients may return to their usual lifestyle, the only restriction is imposed on sport activities.
And the longest period of inoperability happens after all the types of facial surgery, after which the appearance in public is acceptable only in 2-4 weeks, or sometimes even in a month. Separately, blepharoplasty may be accompanied by few bruises, but in some cases two-week bruise is inevitable.
The operation is forbidden on the eve of women’s menstruation. 5-7 days before the menstruation the blood clotting is greatly reduced, and it comes back to normal in 2-3 days after.
It is forbidden to take aspirin and products containing it (like cold remedies or combination analgesics). Some vitamins (especially E) also increase bleeding. Unconditionally the operation can’t be performed during the period of any infectious diseases.
All these details are discussed at the consultation with the doctor when planning the date of the surgery.
Before the operation a patient should be examined and should pass the tests listed below:
In case some abnormalities are suspected an extended examination may be required.
Делала в Медичи увеличение груди у Протасова Кирилла Андреевича. Клиника относительно новая, но хирурги самые звездные из Петербурга. Довольна всем От и До...
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